Years of professional experience
Trustee for Trust srl is an italian trust company founded thanks to the experience of the Studio Scarinci-Abate on the trust and on consultancy and management of real estate. From several years, the Studio Scarinci-Abate (tax and accounting Italian firm) suggests to its clients the trust when the Italian law is not able to solve efficiently problems raised by the clients themselves. Founded by chartered accountants, Trustee for Trust srl is a firm committed to find solutions to asset, finance and inheritance’s problems by using the trust as legal institute recognized in Italy. Moreover, the firm conducts activities to spread knowledge about the trust’s potentialities. CONTINUE
Legal entity
The trust is a legal entity, governed by a non-Italian law, recognized under the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition (or Hague Trust Convention) of July 1st 1985, that entered into force in Italy on January 1st 1992. The trust is created -inter vivos or on death- by the settlor (an individual, a legal person or a legal entity), when assets (real estate, shares, bonds, money, works of art or other assets) have been placed under the control of a trustee. The trustee manages, employs and disposes the assets for the benefit of a beneficiary or a specified purpose. CONTINUE
Latest news
Convegno sul trust “Protezione dei patrimoni in tempi di crisi: strumenti e rapporti con istituti di credito “
Organizzato dal centro studi Atrileg, il convegno tratterà il tema del trust, degli strumenti assicurativi e del bail-in.
“Trustee all’Opera” – Seminario a Roma sull’attività del trustee
Trustee for Trust tra i relatori del Seminario “Trustee all’Opera” che si terrà a Roma tra luglio e dicembre 2015
Trustee for Trust e trust nell’intervista di “OSSERVATORIO PROFESSIONI”
Trustee for Trust spiega perchè il Trust è uno strumento innovativo.
Trustee for Trust e CT EUR di Roma insieme nel Torneo Pezzana di calciotto
Trustee for Trust sponsor della squadra di calciotto del CT EUR di Roma
Trustee for Trust sponsor del CT EUR
Trustee for Trust firma il contratto di sponsor per le squadre di calcio a 5 e calciotto del CT EUR
Corso “Il trust” a Roma – ottobre 2014
Corso "Il trust" a Roma 7,14,21.10.2014 - ODCEC di Roma - L' A.U. di Trustee for Trust tra i relatori